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Dog [dawg, dog]


A domesticated canid, Canis familiaris, bred in many varieties, unwavering loyalty, compassionate, selfless, and unconditionally committed

Developer [dih-vel-uh-per] 


A person or entity engaged in the creation or improvement of certain classes of products


Fetch Your Business.

Dog Developer is an independent consulting agency in the Broad Ripple community on the north-side of Indianapolis, Indiana. Dog Developer works with businesses as they consult the problem, develop the solution, and potentially join the team by managing the deliverable. To date, we have primarily worked with companies in the outdoor and sporting industries.  This agency specializes in the areas of strategy, IT and marketing. By harnessing the combination of insights and core business strategies, Dog Developer is able to create effective systems to increase growth of your company.


Our mission is to help companies, with a dog at every turn, reach their full financial potential through the centralized focus of strategy, information technology, and marketing.


Business Consulting

Dog Developer was founded in November of 2017 with a focus to establish digital foundations to businesses in need. Dog Developer promises to help provide strategic and profitable business decisions along with detailed recommendations to meet your business objectives. Businesses in need of a "dog" of a partner should believe in us because of our mission, our established business relationships, our experience in the outdoor industry, and our proven-knowledge of creating lucrative yet sustainable business structures. If you choose to engage with us, your company will be provided strategic solutions to your business problems. These will inevitably increase customer traffic, increase revenue, reduce costs, allow for resources to be allocated to other areas of your business, and lead to scalability of your current business model. Check out our list of business services here!

Dog is in the name - of course we involve man's best friend! Since the establishment of the company, there has always been a furry co-worker on the team. While his productivity is low and attention to detail minimal, Rocky's moral support is off the charts. Whether it be to step away from coding or business planning, a dog's presence in the workplace makes everything better.




Brady has a passion for using technology to improve overall business efficiency. This passion for technology has led him to focus more holistically on business operations and branding. After starting his own company creating soccer scarfs at Butler University, then aiding in the creation of Butler’s student-run marketing and communication company – Bright Blue, Brady stayed the entrepreneurial route and after graduation, Dog Developer was born!


Dog Developer was created to be an agency that Consults, Develops, and Manages projects for businesses in any industry. Brady has proven himself as a leader and business professional through his experience working alongside the teams at Haggard & Stocking, Gobi Heat, Auralex Acoustics, Big Jon Sports, Martin Archery, Elite Athletes TV, and more.


Brady loves his dog Rocky, the outdoors of northern Michigan, exploring the Broad Ripple neighborhood, and taking trips to see his family! Reach out to Brady by email at!




Rocky is a 6-year-old Goldendoodle weighing in around 70lbs. Rocky made his home in Broad Ripple in August of 2017, where he was a plump lil' jet-black doodle. He lives the simple life, worrying about how many head pats he'll get, if the squirrel will be in the yard today, or if he will be allowed sit shotgun, so his head can go out the window. Rocky's favorite walks are on the Monon trail. This was where Dog Developer's logo was inspired - Rocky would constantly be looking for the runaway squirrel or bird, and would put his paw up like a hunting dog.

From there, Dog Developer was born. #thegoodboyrocky

Dog Developer


We look forward to the opportunity to work together and fetch your business.

Thanks for messaging us. We'll reach out to you shortly!

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